Call for papers

Text of call

The international colloquium that will take place from October 4 to 6, 2023 at the Inspé Saint Jérôme - Marseille will pay tribute to Jacques Ginestié and the scientific contributions of his action for education.

The colloquium is addressed to all those who wish to witness and contribute to the current reflection on educational research and proposes to discuss the various questions in which Jacques Ginestié was interested. This call for papers aims to contribute to their extension in current research and international scientific activity.

Jacques Ginestié, who passed away in September 2020, never ceased to contribute to developing and structuring educational research in the service of scientific, technological and professional education, teacher training and education for all.

The papers will mainly be related to one of the following topics, but all proposals will be examined by the scientific committee of the colloquium. 

Each presentation will last 15 minutes and will be followed by 5 minutes of discussion.

Technological Education Axis

A significant part of research work carried out or directed by Jacques Ginstié is part of the field of didactics and education of technological disciplines. Passionate about the history and philosophy of technology in the spirit of Gilbert Simondon, Yves Deforge, André Leroi-Gourhan and Jean-Pierre Séris, Jacques Ginestié promoted an anthropocentric technological education for all students, enabling future citizens to understand and act on their environment. The knowledge at stake is apprehended as a social construction.

In this regard, he was involved in editorial boards of reviews (RDST: Recherche en Didactique des Sciences et des Technologies, IJTDE: International Journal of Technology and Design Education, JTS: Journal of Technology Study) and in several international networks (PATT: Pupil Attitude Towards Technology Foundation; ITEEA: International Technology And Engineering Educators Association).

As the initiator of the Gestepro team (Groupe d'étude en Education Scientifique, Technologique et Professionnelle), which he directed from 2002 to 2012, he conducted and supervised research at a time when very few researchers, and even fewer teams, were interested in technological education. The originality of the works produced by the Gestepro team concerned the organization of school situations of transmission and acquisition of scientific, technological and/or professional knowledge. Several works propose a major evolution of the didactic transposition model by showing that, for teaching, the social practices of reference are specifically the object of elaboration of knowledge constituted on these practices. Papers dedicated to technical, technological and professional education in France and abroad are therefore expected on the occasion of this colloquium.

Efficiency of teaching-learning processes axis

The study of the transmission of knowledge, reconstructed with the aim of being taught, led Jacques Ginestié to take an interest in the teaching-learning process as early as his thesis work in 1992, "Contribution to the didactic of technological disciplines: acquisition and use of an automation command language", based on the tension between three epistemological levels: the social epistemology of reference knowledge, the genetic epistemology relating to the development of pupils and the epistemology of taught knowledge.

His contribution to understanding the teaching-learning process, namely to understand how and why it works and does not work, has led him to consider the didactic situation as a network of interactions between the teacher's activity and the students' activity.

Understanding the activity of a subject implies a cross-analysis of the articulation between task and activity. Also, papers on research developed to highlight the impact of the task prescribed by the teacher on the activity it induces among students, to study the role of semiotic or material instruments such as digital artefacts are expected. Research that focuses at the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process (the distance between what is expected by the institution and how the teacher takes these expectations into account, what he or she teaches, what the students perceive, what they actually do and what they learn) will also be particularly appreciated

Development and structuring of educational research and teacher training axis

Motivated by the improvement of the performance of education systems aiming at excellence through the expansion of equal opportunities, Jacques Ginestié has fervently defended the development of scientific research forces involved in the field of learning and education. 

This unceasing interest in public action in the field of education and more broadly in educational policies, whether supra-national, with his involvement in UNESCO's International Task Force on Teachers, national, academic, or institutional, has resulted in a significant part of his activity as an expert and evaluator through research within projects aimed at student success and excellence in education. His vision of the need to integrate a multidisciplinary research dynamic to accompany the transformation of university systems designed by the actors on the ground is present in the DREAM-U project (Dessine ton paRcours vErs la réussite à Aix-Marseille Université; PIA3: New curricula at the University) and the TIGER project (Transform and Innovate in Graduate Education with Research; PIA 3: Structuring of training through research in the Idex).

This interest was also and mainly manifested in the ardent need to link initial and in-service teacher training to research. This is a major objective of the Inspé of Aix-Marseille. Still director of the IUFM (Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres) before becoming director of the ESPE (École Supérieure du Professorat et l'Éducation), he created in 2012 the research federation FED 4238 SFERE-Provence of Aix-Marseille University. This federation aims to develop a dynamic of projects and to increase the understanding of the realities of teaching, education and training, thought in a concomitant way through a decompartmentalization of disciplines and a complementarity of theoretical approaches and methodologies. Today, SFERE-Provence brings together 26 research units and has led to the creation of the pilot centre AMPIRIC (Aix-Marseille - Pôle d'Innovation, de Recherche, d'EnseIgnement pour l'ÉduCation), a pilot centre for teacher training and research in education. The purpose of this centre is to improve students’ performance in learning fundamental knowledge through the development of teachers' practices, by anchoring their training in multidisciplinary research and in the field.

Within La Structure Fédérative d’Études et de Recherches en Éducation de Provence, FED 4238 SFERE-Provence, or the AMPIRIC cluster, the abundance and plurality of scientific approaches aim to improve knowledge to better train students and future teachers. These ambitious objectives, wished by Jacques Ginestié, require a variety of research mechanisms that can involve all stakeholders, as in the collaborative and participatory research that Jacques Ginestié initiated at Aix-Marseille University. The articulation between the different fields of research, training and the field is at the heart of the projects initiated, set up, defended and obtained under Jacques Ginestié's supervision. Proposals for papers that study the relationships between two or three of these fields will be particularly appreciated.


  • Launch of the call for communication: January 2023
  • Submission of abstracts of 500 words maximum: April 24, 2023 (on sciencesconf) May 2, 2023
  • Notification of acceptance: May 29, 2023 Due to the postponement of the deadline for submitting abstracts. Notification of acceptance will be made from 15 June 2023.
  • Free but mandatory registration: deadline June 30, 2023
  • Participation in the gala dinner on Thursday, October 5, 2023: deadline July 15, 2023

Publication of a selection of papers in a book at the PUP (Presses Universitaires de Provence), texts subject to double-blind review, written in French and/or English.

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